viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

The most important thing I would teach my students about my subject in a CLIL context

Both learning and teaching in a CLIL context means a change on the way to teach our classes. Although the main feature of a CLIL lesson is the education and not the multilingualism, we have to take advantage of this new approach and upgrade students learning.
In a CLIL approach we not only teach academic contents but also we have other contents to develop such as communication, cognition and culture.
So, teaching and learning goals are much more extended. In a CLIL lesson we have to develop thinking skills through HOT activities. So, we will enhance the learning process. For that, we can prepare an develop our own material in order to adapt it to our students taking into account their level and sociocultural environment. For instance, I would start a CLIL lesson reviewing the vocabulary acquired previously. I would continue it presenting new vocabulary necessary for the lesson and  after that I would introduce the content through activities which let them develop their learning skills. I think applying  instructional scaffolding in our teaching is useful to focus class work, because I consider that is an essential element off effective teaching. The teacher as a guide in order to move students progressively toward stronger understanding.
So, the most important think I would teach to my students in my subject it would be help them to increase their autonomy to learn the contents about a subject through a language different than their mother tongue.
Otherwise, if we talk about the assessment, this have to be formative and summative. I would asses not only their learning in contents but also the language, such as language components, language use or language competences and other components as learning skills or general behavior. Also, the tools I would use for this purpose could be portfolios, rubrics, tasks and exercises and exams and tasks to evaluate contents. 

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